Oh Paris, the ways I love you, let me count the ways.
Today was a very busy day, but really fun.
First stop, flea market. (Market de market de Vincennes), the best one that I have been to yet!
old printing blocks, found my name, it was fate, items purchased.
Perhaps my favorite thing all day, just a lady riding a zebra. NBD, thank you Vogue.

These drawers must be in my home.
We then headed over toward the bois de boulogne, which is the woods that we went to yesterday, there is a park/garden thing right by there. They were having some kind of event honoring louis vuitton, strange? yes. No matter, we got in free, so thats always a good time. They had carnival games, rides, a parade, and other exciting stuff.

Jas: Powar, he has got a fit bum
Georgia: earth to Jas, seriously, sometimes I think you're half girl, half turnip.
Just some boy stalking on the little train ride through the woods.

Look at the booty on that blondie. Creepy parade people.

Cutest nose wrinkle I'v ever seen.

I love balloons.

A lama and an ass.
Naturally while romping through the marais with Morning and Kelly, love the colors of this street art.

Then I came home, ate some nutella and edited pictures forever, it's a good day.
Just stumbled upon your blog... how I long to be you right now. And I too have my initials in printer blocks. Who knew we had that in common?