Today Anna and I went to a interactive art exhibit. It was a random recommendation off of a blog, and it ended up being really cool. The place is called 104, they have different exhibits that rotate out after every couple months. Right now the exhibit is called Perceptions. There was five different exhibits to go into. The first one was this ginormous facade of a city style home that was laying on the ground, then there was mirror that was suspended at an angle over the facade, so where you looked into the mirror it looked like the house was standing up right in front of you. Pretty chouette. So naturally we played on it for a while and took all kinds of wild pictures.
This room was really confusing, there was a bunch of these frames, some of them you could walk through and others were mirrors, it got pretty trippy.

I love this picture, it looks very Harry Potter-esqe to me, because it looks like I'm walking into a picture frame.
The next room was filled with gas, half of it had red lights in it and the other blue. It was kinda scary because you couldn't really see people, just their outlines, and as they would come closer to you, you could see more of them.

The fourth room had this cushion in the middle of the room, above it was a plexiglass shield, above that was a really tall tube. There was air blowing around inside the tube, one person at a time laid down on the cushion and looked up through the tube. Then the little man would shove some glass plates up the tube and they would float, crash into each other, break and then when they turned the air off come crashing right toward your face. It was kinda scary, but really cool.
The one you did one person at a time as well. You were supposed to sit down in this armchair in front of a mirror. After a few seconds the mirror started vibrating, and then next thing you know you disappear from the mirror. It makes me really mad that I don't know how it works, magic like that freaks me out.
All in all it was a really interesting thing to go and see, I would highly recommend it, especially for kids.
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