Day 1-
To start off out trip we had to take a five hour train ride to a town called Saint Jean De Luz. It is a small beach town in southern France, and it is so cute. It has these cobble stone streets and little shops and restaurants all over, it is also an old Basque town. When we first got here we were set off on our own to explore, so we first went to the beach and then got really good trios fromage paninis. Then we walked around and found a swing set to go on and then headed back to the hotel to try and get some kind of slumber. All together pretty relaxing day.
Day 2-
We got up early today because we had a busy day. We first took a bus to another beach town called Biarritz. This was another Basque area that was really neat to explore. When we were here we went to the Musee du Chocolat, which was obviously amazing because it was filled with chocolate. Chocolate statues, chocolate bars, hot chocolate, old fashioned chocolate making machinery, and even a movie about chocolate, definitely into that. We got to eat chocolate and paint on it and yes it was just great. After this we headed to another town called Bayonne. This town had a river running through it and really nasty salad, and the Musse Basque. This was really interesting, I had no idea who the basque people were so it was cool to learn a ton of new stuff. We then headed back to Saint Jean De Luz for dinner and free time.

Day 3-
Today we got to sleep in, which was much needed! We were more in the mountains today which was very pretty, with huge green hills and cute scattered houses, also a sheep crossings...too good. The towns we visited today were more traditional Basque towns. They all have a certain set up, they have a church, an arena for Basque games, and a type of civil center. The first one we stopped at we just got out and heard a little history. The next one was called Euskadi, which was very traditional. This town is known for it's red leper and the whole town is decorated wit them, kind of funny, but unique and different than anything iv ever seen. I also had a really gross sandwich because I accidentally ordered jambon basque, which is like cured meat that they cure themselves, but at least I tried something new...kinda. After this we headed to a very picturesque town called Saint Jean Pied De Port. From the town you could see the rolling countryside, which was beautiful. There was also this old castle turned into a middle school, which was awesome, just a little bit cooler than Niguel Hills...just saying. All together s good day, but after my legs were very tired and again ready for avoid nights sleep.

Day 4-
Today we took a little trip to Spain! That is e great thing about europe, one hour bus ride, and we are I a totally different country ready to explore. A few if us started off the day hiking to the top of is big hill that had a huge Christ figure on it. It was really cool and there was a really good vie of the whole city we were in called San Sebastian. This was a large beach town. After that we did a little shopping, stopped at a cathedral, grabbed some lunch, and then headed to the beach. Definite culture shock once we got the the beach...topless women left and right and on occasion completely nakeie old hair men...just saying. But we had a great time none the less. It was a long day in the sun and once we got home we grabbed a quick dinner and head back because I was so tired, but a very good day in all.

Day 5-
Today was sunday, so we had to get up and get on the Road to go to church in a small town called Pau. The ward was pretty small, and all in French...soo didn’t understand much of it, but it was still great. After church we went and explored this château in the city that had really pretty gardens, and the architecture was great. We then traveled to a town called Albi, which we really liked. We had a really yummy raviolis for dinner, and then obviously had to get ice cream. It was a pretty relaxing day with not too many plans, which was nice for a day.

Day 6-
Today we explored the town of Albi a little more. We visited the cathedral and took a tour there. It was really neat, they told us about the different artwork and what it stood for, and stuff like that. It was cool to be learning about things and actually being able to see them in real life, in a cathedral, in France, chouette. After the cathedral we went to the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum, which I loved! He did all different kinds of mediums, but my favorite were his works on cardboard, and his posters. I just loved the colors that he used and I loved how he portrayed things as he saw them, nice or not. After this visit we were on the road again, this time headed to Rocamadour. There is a huge château there where people would go to do a pilgrimage, so we walked through where they did, but on our feet, not our knees. Then we went into the town to have dinner. We went to this place that made us food from the region of france that we were in and it was...interesting, and very rich. We ate pate, duck, french fries, and goat cheese. Then we got to stay the night at this really really cute bed & breakfast, with spacious rooms and bathrooms, it was lovely.

Day 7-
Today we did a few different things. We got to go to these really awesome under ground caves called Gouffre de Padirac. We got to go in this little boat with a funny guide guy, and we were in this under ground river with huge rock formational all around. I wish i spoke french cause maybe I would have learned more, but they were still cool. But then we went to lunch, this is where the day went a little down hill. Because of the region we were in (Basque region) we kept eating traditional basque food which included a lot of meat, and duck, and mysterious shmeres. I did try everything, but pretty much just ate plain salad and bread. We then traveled to Figeac to go to the Musee Champollion. This was a museum about the invention of languages and stuff, and I am not going to lie, it was a little bit of a snoozer. But professor Lee did redeem himself with dinner. We had another group meal, but it was tres bon this time. It did start out with some good old fois gras and some mysterious yellow puffy stuff, which was no good. But then we had this really good puff pastry with goat cheese, tomatoes, and olives in it, i died. Then for the main dish we had some kind of white fish and vegetables, and finished it off with raspberry mousse, which was all very delicious.

Day 8-
Today was a little bit different and very fun. We went to a city called Sarlat where we are going to finish up our trip. When we arrived we went to the open street market, which was super chouette. There was people out selling clothes, accessories, artwork, and food. We just wandered around a little and then a few of us met up with the Lees to have lunch together. We got some fresh local food (no fois gras) and had a little picnic. We had this stuff called toponod that was like olive shmere? It was good, thats all I know...a few different cheeses, some bread and dried and fresh fruit. Very good. after the market we went to the Musee National de la Prehistoire. It was also a little bit of a snoozer, good don't get me wrong, but a really long tour. Then we returned to Sarlat where we were set free to do whatever we wanted, eat dinner, shop, eat ice cream...I’m just saying, its what we do best. We had a fun night in this really picturesque town, that apparently is in a ton of movies, that we are basically movie stars.

Day 9-
Today was our last full day on our trip! It was a really fun day, we started the day off by going canoeing down the Dordogne River, yeah epic. It was a beautiful day, and we had a really good time, Me Maddie and Anna were in a canoe together and boy did we have an adventure. It was longer than we had expected and about half way through we had to get out for a breather and when we were trying to get back in we tipped it over, and that was just an adventure to get that thing turned over. But we did it and had a lovely float down. After this we returned to Sarlat to get some lunch before we went to these really cool gardens at the Château de Marqueyssac, which was like a huge maze. We finished up the day with another group meal at the restaurant in our hotel. This was definiatly my favorite group meal. I was skeptical at first when fois gras came out, but then we had really yummy pork and green beans and potatoes, and finished off with homemade walnut ice cream. SO good. And to top the whole night off Daryl put on one of Anna’s clip on earrings, just for a good time, it was priceless.

Day 10-
Traveled back to Paris. Bus to a train to a bus to another bus to a taxi, ended at our host families house/apartment! All in all the trip was really fun, we had interesting food and it was fun to spend some time with all the girls! But I am definitely ready now to start really learning the language and getting into a routine, and going to class and all that jazz.